Here we will discuss your situation and needs. Education on what services are offered and whether both parties feel it could be a good fit for our client-advocate relationship.
This includes signing our Agreement contract, Release of Medical Information forms, and discuss type of services you're looking for. This is individualized. At this point we ask for payment.
This is the data collection phase. It involves a detailed health and social/family history, medication list, further discussion with the client or caretaker to clarify plan of care. We prepare it all and will tailor this to your needs.
We present our collected information to you and help identify trends using our Medical Timeline. We also provide a central place for our client and all caregivers/family to be able to communicate in ONE spot, not in pieces. This is usually an eye opening experience and starts really creating that empowerment.
This is truly where we shine. We begin our care at this point, whether it is Medication Management, Healthcare Coordination or Geriatric Care Management. We can be your support person during a doctors appointment or go to your bedside at the hospital. We can help you ask the right questions and give clear explanations as to what the provider said during the visit. We will go to bat for you & look out for YOUR best interests and be your protector, thus potentially reducing devastating medical errors that can mean life or death. When someone is vulnerable and sick, having an independent clinically trained nurse advocate by your side is essential.
The ultimate goal with our relationship is improved quailty of life and a feeling of empowerment. This can be an ongoing relationship as needed, or we can help with select tasks. It's up to you. As clinically trained professionals, we can help give you the comfort and guidance you need to face difficult healthcare situations. As nurses, we are the most trusted profession for a reason: because we have a caring compassion that makes the most vulnerable feel more at ease.